TR-3B Alien Reverse Engineered Craft

This craft has been created by the military and is classified. It is an anti-gravity engine, and it even came out in the television show X-Files.

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Reverse Engineering the Roswell Craft

Scientists still cannot reproduce the nano technology required to create a spacecraft. They have studied it for years, and we are still not at that point. We need to get full disclosure so that we may have the greatest minds on our planet all unified working on the same project.

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NASA has been covering up Aliens for a long time

NASA has never given us footage of these alien craft. The only stuff we have is from the freedom of information act. I guarantee you this is not all that NASA knows. Is their a real Star Wars going on up in space? If so, why are we not informed? Our tax dollars have been funding a war with extra terrestrials for a long time. Who are these alien beings? And why are we never given a straight answer? Why are they covering the most important discovery in our human history? There has to be something more to the story.

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